Further Reading

Communication, Leadership & Vulnerability


The Art of Possibility - Ben Zander & Rosamund Stone Zander AU US (these links DONT WORK)

Life changing book by conductor Ben Zander, including many stories about teaching and conducting to illustrate life principles.

Completing the Circle - Bud Beyer AU US

Considerations for change in the performance of music. Excellent book focussing on the conductor as teacher, leader, communicator and our imperative to communicate with the audience. See the video resources for a great, inspiring 7-minute video introduction Bud's work.

Creative Struggle - Gavin Aung Than AU US

A motivating book that explores the struggles of great creatives from Tchaikovsky to Marie Curie. Inspiring, entertaining and fun from Australian cartoonist Gavin Aung Than (Zen Pencils).

Daring Greatly - Brené Brown AU US

This book will challenge how you think, behave, teach and lead. Highly recommended.

Michael Colgrass - My Lessons with Kumi AU US

'How I learned to perform with confidence in life and work' as told through a fictional narrative, interspersed with practical exercises blending neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), mime, hypnosis, psychology and physical training. Many activities here can be led with ensembles or individual students. Read the excellent free sample chapter.

Conducting - Technique & Interpretation


The Modern Conductor - Elizabeth Green US / AU

The go-to practical text for conducting technique full of examples from the repertoire and hands-on exercises to build physical technique basics.

On Becoming A Conductor - Frank Battisti US / AU

Covers everything from score marking to rehearsal planning and repertoire selection.


Ben Zander Score Analysis Sessions

Ben Zander Interpretation Masterclasses

Musical inspiration for Conductors Playlist inc. Kirrill Petrenko conducting Scriabin Poeme d'Extase


Conducting Bootcamp - My online course covering all aspects of technique, including tempo/time changes, articulation, dynamics, multiple meters plus solutions for many common conducting issues. Split into short videos (<5min) you can dip in and find exactly what you need and incorporate it straight away. See below for more details.

*If you purchase books using links on this page I may receive a small commission via Amazon. If you don't wish to do that - no worries - just search the title on your favourite online book store!

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